What is Militarism? Its Impact on Economy

3 minutes read

Militarism is a belief that a nation should develop, maintain, and use a strong soldierly to enlarge its benefits. A militarist country has a big defense force on which it devotes an uneven share of its income. The society assistants all other national interests to support a strong military. In hostility, the government directs the factors of production to support the military. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital goods, natural resources, and work. It gives special treatment to guard contractors. Hostility and nationalism go hand-in-hand. Separatists believe their country is bigger than all others. They use the military to defend their nation.


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How Militarism Is Important On War?

It is an important force in several European nations before World War I. Military frontrunners had an effect over civil governments and placed their interests and significances first. Generals and admirals even performed as ministers and advisors. They influenced domestic policies and demanded increases in defense and weapons spending. This trend runs to an arms race that gave growth to new military technologies. Militarism also shaped national culture, the media and public opinion. The press represented military leaders as supermen while painting competing nations as attackers.Aggression on its own could not start World War I but it created an environment where war canhappen. Mediation and negotiations that could have resolved these arguments could not take place in this environment.

Militarism Impacts on the economy

Themain cause of this is entrepreneurship and the culture that devolves from it. Anindustrial culture wants to have the largest and most effective army in case of an attack against its country’s freedom or land. Along these same lines, starting a strong military over the world supports a company’s foreign affairs, alliances, and trade market that play a huge role in the success of a country’s economy.A key effect of militarism is the increased threat of war. Along with the dangers of war, come fears to a countries freedom. Another main effect of hostility is the amount of money that goes into improving the military and doesn’t go to other needs of the country. In a militaristic culture, priority is given to the military over public services and the general needs of the country.


The foremost effect of militarism is the increased threat of war. Along with the dangers of war, come threats to countries’ independence. Another major effect of militarism is the amount of money that goes into attracting the military and doesn’t go to other needs of the nation. In a militaristic culture, importance is given to the military over public services and the general needs of the country.

The additional effect of militarism has to do with the economic concept of trade-off or prospect cost.  As a country devotes larger amounts of money on the military, other domestic programs like education and structure development will receive less.  Militarism also has the possibility for powerful defense contractors to command foreign policy of a nation.

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