Best Loan Officer Books To Learn

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Are you interested in becoming a loan officer? If so, there are multiple options you can choose from when it comes to different online resources to help you learn more about becoming a loan officer as well as online courses you can take to get a degree in this career field and path. First off, do you know what the duties of being a loan officer is, do you know what type of degrees you need in order to qualify as a loan officer? With the help of these online resources, you will have everything you will need in order to be a Certified and Successful Loan Officer. Whether you choose to either be a Bank Loan Officer, a Mortgage Loan Officer, or any other type of Loan Officer these resources will help guide you in the right path to complete your goal.

Top Rated Loan Officer Books in February 2025

The Loan Officer's Handbook for Success: Updated for 2021

Rating is 5 out of 5

The Loan Officer's Handbook for Success: Updated for 2021

Pass the Mortgage Loan Originator Test: A Study Guide for the NMLS SAFE Exam

Rating is 4.9 out of 5

Pass the Mortgage Loan Originator Test: A Study Guide for the NMLS SAFE Exam

Loan Officer Freedom: How to Get More Closings While Doing Only the Things You Love to Do

Rating is 4.8 out of 5

Loan Officer Freedom: How to Get More Closings While Doing Only the Things You Love to Do

NMLS SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Exam Content Outline Study Guide and Two Full Length Practice Exams: 250 Practice Questions and Full Breakdown of Every Outline Topic

Rating is 4.7 out of 5

NMLS SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Exam Content Outline Study Guide and Two Full Length Practice Exams: 250 Practice Questions and Full Breakdown of Every Outline Topic

The Millionaire Loan Officer

Rating is 4.6 out of 5

The Millionaire Loan Officer

The SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator National Exam Study Guide: Second Edition

Rating is 4.5 out of 5

The SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator National Exam Study Guide: Second Edition

Loan Officer Exam Secrets Study Guide: Loan Officer Test Review for the Loan Officer Exam (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

Rating is 4.4 out of 5

Loan Officer Exam Secrets Study Guide: Loan Officer Test Review for the Loan Officer Exam (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

  • Used Book in Good Condition
The Loan Officer Revolution

Rating is 4.3 out of 5

The Loan Officer Revolution

Mortgage Lending - Loan Officer Training

Rating is 4.2 out of 5

Mortgage Lending - Loan Officer Training

If you are not sure what a Loan officer does of what the meaning of a loan officer is, then you can either look at the resources that are offered to you online or during your college classes. A Mortgage Loan Officer is someone who evaluates each potential client whether they are new clients trying to apply for a loan whether the loan is a mortgage loan, auto loan, business loan or a personal loan. They also have the tasks of authorizing any loans that meet a certain criteria the clients must go through in order for the Mortgage Loan officers to approve their loan application. Loan Officers are also have the tasks of notifying their clients if their loans were approved or denied as well as why their client was denied and how much they were approved for. Many successful Loan Officers around the world highly recommend new Loan Officers to expand their education higher than just a High School Diploma mainly because newer Mortgage Loan Officers have a higher chance of learning different ways to communicate and educate their clients in different ways depending on different situations.

One of the biggest tasks each Mortgage Loan Officer has to accomplish is offering any loans to either new clients or current clients whenever a new loan becomes available, such as Holiday Loans for either Christmas or Birthdays. For Loan Officers they also have the job of going through each type of loans and explaining what each loan entails for their clients and the different criteria’s their client must go through in order to be approved to get the loan. The Most common types of Loan Officers include Credit Union Loan Officers, Mortgage Loan Officers, Commercial Loan Officer, as well as other financial related unions and institutes that require or need a Loan Officer. With a Mortgage Loan Officer their job is to also approve families, or couples based of their application and if they hit those specific requirements the application needs in order to approve them. For Loan Officers are also required to set up appointments for qualified Contractors to access homes, or apartments other clients might be applying for a loan for as well as accessing every stitch of information given to them by their clients and performing background checks and credit checks properly.

The biggest part of the education aspect of becoming a Mortgage Loan Officers, a Commercial Loan Officer or just a Loan Officer in general must require at least a bachelor’s degree in any business-related courses and fields such as Economics, Accounting, Business classes and Finances. In order to become a licensed Mortgage Loan Officer, you must take a couple different exams in order to get your Mortgage Loan Originator License which you will need at least a background check done on you, a credit check as well as 20 hours of course work done before you receive your license. Different types of Mortgage Loan Officers will require different degrees depending on what type of Mortgage Loan Officers you’re wanting to become, which also means you will have to spend more time expanding your education as well as taking different courses and learning new tasks you will be required to perform. You will also be required to learn how to perform background checks properly, how to perform credit checks properly, how to properly access homes, building with the help of a Contractor. Other Jobs and tasks you will be expected to complete and perform includes organizing every file and application that is filed by your clients, you must also interview each potential loan client that’s interested in applying for a loan. You must also be able to set up payment plans with your clients in order for them to receive their loan amounts either by check or direct deposit as well as how your client will be paying the loan back and how much the monthly or weekly loan payments will be. Then once you’re done informing your client of whether they’ve been approve for their loan or if they’ve been denied for their loan, then you can start setting and finalizing all of the application papers and process the clients loan amount immediately.

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