
10 minutes read
Are you interested in becoming a loan officer? If so, there are multiple options you can choose from when it comes to different online resources to help you learn more about becoming a loan officer as well as online courses you can take to get a degree in this career field and path. First off, do you know what the duties of being a loan officer is, do you know what type of degrees you need in order to qualify as a loan officer? With the help of these online resources, you will have everything you will need in order to be a Certified and Successful Loan Officer. Whether you choose to either be a Bank Loan Officer, a Mortgage Loan Officer, or any other type of Loan Officer these resources will help guide you in the right path to complete your goal.
14 minutes read
Personal finance remains one of the most misunderstood subjects that significantly impact every adult's daily life. A quick internet search shows that, depending on the site, up to 71% of adults worry about where the money will come from to feed their family and still pay monthly bills. The food versus bills is unpleasant to read about, even worse to be in, yet many live this daily. If this sounds all too familiar, then money management is probably not understood, yet all can have financial freedom at every income level.