TradingView Review: Free Vs. Paid Plans, Key Features, And Pricing?

5 minutes read

TradingView is a popular platform for traders and investors to analyze financial markets, share trading ideas, and engage with a community of like-minded individuals. The platform offers both free and paid plans, each with its own set of features and benefits.

The free version of TradingView provides access to basic charting tools, a wide range of technical indicators, and the ability to save and share ideas with other users. Users can also set up custom alerts based on technical indicators and price levels.

The paid plans, which include Pro, Pro+, and Premium options, offer additional features such as real-time data, more advanced charting tools, and the ability to access data from multiple exchanges. These plans also allow users to create custom indicators, set up alerts based on fundamental data, and use advanced drawing tools.

Pricing for the paid plans varies depending on the level of access and features required. The Pro plan starts at $9.95 per month, the Pro+ plan is $19.95 per month, and the Premium plan is $39.95 per month. Users can also save money by signing up for an annual subscription.

Overall, TradingView is a valuable tool for traders and investors looking to analyze financial markets and make informed decisions. The platform offers a range of features and tools to suit individual needs and preferences, making it a popular choice among the trading community.

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How to access TradingView's social network features?

To access TradingView's social network features, you need to create a free account on the TradingView platform. Once you have signed up and logged in, you can access the social network features by clicking on the "Community" tab on the top menu bar. Here, you will find various social networking features such as following other traders, sharing trading ideas, commenting on posts, and interacting with other members of the TradingView community. You can also join groups and discussions related to specific trading topics or instruments. By actively participating in the TradingView social network, you can connect with other traders, share insights, and learn from the experiences of others in the trading community.

What is the significance of TradingView's community-contributed indicators?

TradingView's community-contributed indicators are significant because they allow traders to access a wide range of tools and strategies that may not be available on traditional trading platforms. These indicators are created by individual users who have expertise in specific areas of technical analysis, and they can provide valuable insights and perspectives that may not be found elsewhere.

By allowing users to contribute their own indicators, TradingView creates a collaborative environment where traders can share ideas, experiment with new strategies, and learn from each other. This can help traders improve their trading skills, stay up to date with market trends, and make more informed decisions.

Additionally, community-contributed indicators can help to democratize access to advanced trading tools, as they are often provided free of charge or at a low cost. This can level the playing field for traders of all experience levels, allowing them to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of others in the community.

What is the cost comparison between TradingView and other trading platforms?

TradingView offers a range of pricing plans that vary in cost depending on the features and tools included. In comparison to other trading platforms, TradingView is generally more affordable for individual traders and investors.

For example, some popular trading platforms such as Thinkorswim, TOS, and Interactive Brokers charge fees for data feeds, order routing, and additional features which can add up to higher overall costs.

However, when comparing costs it is important to consider the specific needs and requirements of your trading strategy. Some traders may prefer the advanced tools and charting capabilities offered by more expensive platforms, while others may find that TradingView meets their needs at a lower cost.

Ultimately, the cost comparison between TradingView and other trading platforms will vary depending on the individual trader's preferences and requirements.

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